Calorie Swaps
What do I need to do to lose weight?
I’m guessing most of you would respond with “A Calorie deficit” or maybe even, “eat less and move more”.
If you answered either of these, you wouldn’t be wrong.
Weight loss is, surprisingly, as simple as consuming fewer calories than you burn for an extended period of time.
Maybe when I say that, straight away some of you are thinking, that means smaller portions, less snacks, and no foods you love.
Yes, weight loss = Calorie deficit.
But, just because you’re consuming fewer calories doesn’t mean you have to comprise on portion size or completely flip your current diet on its head.
The above images are all foods/drink groups in the same quantities (with exception of bagel thin) but one group having fewer calories than the other.
This is where making smart food choices comes in if you want to lose weight.
I’m going to put some perspective on this for you.
Let’s say I swapped to 150g of 0% Greek yoghurt instead of eating 150g full fat Greek “style” yoghurt every day, I’d be saving 41,245 calories a year.
That’s a MASSIVE save in calories and I didn’t have to compromise on portion size. Same quantities of food but for a hell of a lot less calories.
For More Examples See Images Below
While lower calorie options might contain less of a specific macronutrient it’s all about making choices empowered by knowledge.
Knowing that making smarter choices in your diet doesn’t always mean compromise on portion size (Which is where a lot of people struggle) can help you gain control when it comes to your food choices and still help you achieve your goals.
Take a look at some over calorie swap alternatives to see how you can make smarter choices in your weight loss journey starting today.