SUWS 4 Week Phase 1 Plan
Need a long term structured plan to kickstart yourself into gear?SUWS 4 Week Phase 1 Plan
Need a long term structured plan to kickstart yourself into gear?Fitness Retreat in Abu Dhabi.
Fitness Retreat in Abu Dhabi!
What’s included:
1. New meal plans.
2. New workouts with video demonstrations.
3. Exclusive real time workouts with me every Friday to keep you motivated.
4. Weekly check ins.
5. Constant support, advice and motivation.

Incredible Recipes
This is not a low calorie, restrictive diet. Choose from a wide range of meals to keep your diet interesting and enjoyable.
- SUWS Cookbook For Optimal Fresh & Healthy Meals.
- Total Calories & Macros Calculated
- Quick-Click Recipes Preloaded to SUWS Meal Plan Builder
- Special Features: Foods +30g in Protein & Alcohol Intake While on Plan
Personalised Workouts
Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal.
- Enjoyable️ &️ Effective️ Workouts️ to Suit Your Needs
- Strength,️ Flexibility️ &️ Fitness️ Training️ to ️Burn Maximum️ Calories
- Home️ &️ Gym ️Based️ Workout️ Plans
- Video️ Demos️ on ️How to ️Complete️ Movements️ Correctly️ &️ Safely

Personal SUWS App
In this section you will get access to my SUWS Meal Plan builder, this is a tool you can use to create your own meal plans using foods you want.
- Meal️ Plans,️ Workouts,️ Check-Ins,️ Direct️ Messaging,️ Calorie️ Tracking️ Tailored️ to ️You
- Private️ Personalisation️ of ️Progress️ Pictures,️ Weight️ &️ Body️ Stats
- Direct️ Messaging️ With Me
- Access️ Your Plans️ Easily️ &️ All in One Place!
4 Keys to Success
Stay positive and remember why you started!
Educating Yourself
Don’t listen to diet propaganda (Spoiler: Carbs don’t make you fat).
Keep a Routine
Find a meal and exercise plan that works for you and stick with it.
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
You don’t have to aim for perfection, aim for consistency.

Come train with me in the beautiful Abu Dhabi.
- Fitness sessions with me, Paul Sharry & yoga/mobility sessions are also provided. Mini excursions will also be planned; Cycle the F1 track, View the grand mosque on a run, Desert Safaris, etc.
- 6 Days of Fitness & Adventure. You will have a fun itinerary consisting of training, exploring, eating & chilling.
- Sunset yoga & mobility work to ensure your body recovers and feels great each day.

Stay in luxurious 5-star accommodation nestled in the heart of Abu Dhabi. Pristine white beaches & turquoise blue water.
- Pristine white beaches & turquoise blue water are at your fingetips.
- Our workouts are tailored for all levels of fitness and ages. No matter what level you are currently at we will make sure you get the best.
- Accommodation with the 5-Star Radisson Blu Hotel & Resort, Abu Dhabi Corniche.

Experience what makes the middle east famous.
- Cycle the Abu Dhabi F1 Circuit where only 1 month later the Formula 1 season will come to an end.
- Desert Safaris and Stand Up Paddle Boarding are available.
- I will lead you on a morning run around the world-famous Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.

In Short, What Do You Get?
- Personalised Meal Plans based on foods you like.
- Custom made Training program.
- Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal.
- Tutorial videos to demonstrate exercises.
- Your own personal split of macronutrients.

Continuous Support!
- Continuous support through the Direct messenger on my app with me.
- Weekly reviews through measurements & photos.
- Guidance/Advice on dealing with cravings etc.
- Tutorial videos to demonstrate exercises.
- Accountability, I will be available throughout the 4 weeks to keep you motivated and on track.
4 Keys to Success
Stay postive and remember why you started.
Educating Yourself
Don't listen to diet proaganda (Spoiler: Carbs don't make you fat)
Keep a Routine
Find a meal and excercise plan that workls for you and stick with it.
Don't Be Hard on Yourself
You don't have to aim for perfection, aim for consistency.
Paul is a fantastic motivator and is always avaialble if you have any questions or concerns about the plan. His weekly check-ins provide fantastic guidence and really help keep you track!
Paul is extremely attentive, always available if you have any questions or concerns about the plan. I followed his plan to a tee and I haven't looked back since!